Saturday, April 6, 2013

www world - a confusion!!

our lives today have reached a point where we don't get out of virtual world to have a look at the things already present around us. this is the thing that depresses me. people are busy making contacts with people they don't know even exists or not. there is no value of our near and dear ones today in our lives. i am really confused if is this the way we have to live rest of our lives sitting in front of the screens of our laptops and cell phones. is this the way we will get to know people. what will be our real life? what will be the attachment we make?
today we can even notice we are unable to talk when the same person we chat to daily comes in front of us. i cant understand if this is good or bad. i have experienced it in my daily life. has our real world come to an end?
are the real emotions the real touch the real feelings gone?
these are the things for us today to ponder over. these are the things that worry me most. these are the things that can be changed. things can get worse if we continue doing the same. people will forget how to talk, people will not get the words when it comes to talking to someone. i just wished it had not been this way so that we still had respect for ones real feelings!!

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